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Presentation Guideline.

Presentation Format and Related Information
  • The medium of presentation is English

  • Presenters are given 15 to 20 minutes to present their research, a 5- to 10-minute Q & A session will commence at the end of every presentation.

  • Chairperson and the audience are encouraged to not interrupt the panelists during their presentations.

  • Presentation slides are welcome. The preferred formats are .ppt and .pptx (or equivalent file type compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2010). 

  • Presentations will be judged by the Chairperson of each stream, which contains two to three panel sessions under the same theme, to shortlist one best presentation, which will receive a prize worth S$200

  • Decision of the Chairperson is final. Appeal will not be entertained. 

Judging Criteria
  • Thesis Statement/Argument and Quality of Research (20%)

Research question is clear; argument is concise and coherent; exhibit clear understanding of the research topic; methodology and materials are appropriate to answer the research question; conclusions are valid given the research methodology

  • Originality and Significance (20%)

Includes evidence of or argument for creativity and innovation in research; conclusion and/or implication of research is drawn to a larger picture; significance of findings is clearly identified 

  • Organisation (20%)

The flow of presentation has purpose and is well-structured; essential background materials are presented

  • Presentation Style (20%)

Pace of the presentation is appropriate; audibility and liveliness of presentation; appropriate use of body language

  • Visual Aids and Communication Skills (20%)

Instruments employed to facilitate transfer of knowledge are appropriate, effective, and easy to understand; able to respond to questions in a timely fashion; fluent in English as medium of communication

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